HeadAmp GS-X mk2 Balanced Headphone Amplifier / Pre-Amplifier
The GS-X Mk2 is HeadAmp's flagship amplifier for dynamic and planar magnetic headphones. With a circuit that has evolved and matured over a 15-year period, the GS-X Mk2 is the most powerful, linear, and transparent amplifier that we have ever produced. Pushing up to 6W of class-A power into balanced headphones, the GS-X Mk2 can tame the toughest headphone loads on the market, while its' low-noise circuitry delivers an equally brilliant performance with sensitive in-ear monitors.
In addition, the GS-X Mk2 makes a fine preamp for your stereo speaker system. With its' high input impedance, low output impedance, multiple I/O options, 3-way gain control, and precise volume control, the GS-X Mk2 can fit into almost any stereo rig, and provide the same wonderfully transparent sound output that it does with headphones.
The GS-X Mk2 is a carefully handcrafted piece of audio equipment, with painstakingly matched components, and the highest standards for build quality in the business. Every GS-X Mk2 is tested extensively throughout the build process, as well as before, and after an extensive burn-in process to ensure the best possible performance.
As of January, 2017, all GS-X Mk2 ship with the DACT 24-step attenuator volume control.
Build quality, and fit and finish may rarely be equaled, but I doubt ever surpassed...The price/performance ratio is outstanding... this is an end-game amp for audiophiles looking for a transparent window through which to enjoy your music.